We are moving with the times...

It is with great enthusiasm that I announce my move into private practice in Pasadena! It has been my pleasure and privilege to be part of the South Pasadena and Fremont Centre Theatre communities since 2007 both in private practice and as owner of a vibrant Pilates Studio that has employed more than 30 people over the last 13 years! I want to thank all of the teachers and administrative staff that helped me support our community in ways that were beyond what I could do alone. Thank you!

For the safety and comfort of our clients we went online as of March 18, 2020 with our regularly scheduled Mat class in Zoom and we have not looked back. As you know, those shut downs are still in effect for non-essential commercial businesses across the board in California and particularly, Los Angeles County.

As of September 1, 2020 I closed South Pas and set up my private and online practice in Pasadena and I am thrilled to be able to work in a more one-to-one setting with my clients in a spacious studio space with 12 foot ceilings, great light all day, sliding glass doors and all of the state of the art equipment we had in South Pas and more! I can even accommodate outdoor Equipment private sessions (weather permitting...)! This allows for social distancing but access to the the Reformer and other apparatus in person. Masks are required. Hand sanitizer, gloves and a private restroom are provided to ensure the utmost observance of Covid protocols.

The beauty of online teaching is that a relocation change has not disrupted online sessions, classes and workshops. At my new location in Pasadena I am offering Zoom Group Mat and small apparatus classes (Pilates Spine Corrector, Magic Circle, Foam Roller, Yamuna Body Rolling and Yamuna Face Saver, for example) as well as Zoom Privates for those who desire one-to-one attention in an online format.

To that point, please stay tuned for a little news about a whole new apparatus and method we are offering in 2021!

Thank YOU...

Most of all I want to thank and acknowledge the amazing residents of South Pasadena who have made up the critical mass of our clients over the years, as well as ALL of our clients at Playhouse. It was not an easy choice to shutter the wonderful space that is Suite 120, but with the current situation it was the best choice for us to make to continue to do what we love to do safely and effectively. Stress is, indeed, the biggest enemy to health and wellness. It was YOU who made the difference and made what we do possible for so many years. A small business that makes it past the first year is a miracle, one that makes it more than a decade is a joy. Thank you so much!

It has been quite a journey to get to today! I want to also give a special thanks to the owners of the Fremont Centre Theatre Building, Lissa and James Reynolds, for being so supportive, warm and welcoming during our time at this historic and beautiful landmark location.

I also want to acknowledge the unwavering support of the South Pasadena Chamber of Commerce for their collaborative, innovative and creative contribution to the growth of our programs and community outreach and we gladly continue our membership in this superb organization.

We have completely retooled our format and many of our Playhouse teachers have gone in their own direction and we wish them well. If you want to get in touch with someone, please let us know and we'll do our best to connect you.

2020 has been a Huge Reset. At least for me, it has stripped away all of the inessentials and revealed what is truly valuable. And, guess what? I consider what we contribute in movement education, Pilates and Natural Health essential!

The Pilates method was not created then, but it was honed, refined and grew during and because of the pandemic Spanish Flu of 1918 with Joe Pilates himself living through those times and helping, he thought, countless others survive it. More on that in another blog - coming soon!

We will move through this together.

Breathe and Be Well,


Charlyn Huss d'Anconia, MA, CPT, DHS

Owner │ Founder │ Master Teacher

Playhouse Pilates Move │ Nourish │ Thrive